jem with me.


Sunday, June 04, 2006

what the world needs now is love, sweet love. it's the only thing that's just too little of.?

yeah, right.

i thought that was it too. that the reason we dont show love enough because there isnt enough to go round. but no, love is everywhere. it's omnipresent, it's bountiful!

dont blame the quantity of love. it's infinite. blame humans and our shortcomings.

because we have the greatest memories, but ironically we forget the most important things that ought to be remembered.

they say that anger is the devil. it must be true, because it destroys the angered one, and the one who bore the brunt of it. and all it leaves behind is one huge mess. and underneath the destruction lies the golden core of love, but since it's buried within, and since we are too lazy to sift through the debris, it just lies forlornly, and slowly forgotton.

we are able to go through piles of work. yet we cant take the effort to sort through the mess created in each others' hearts.

'god is dwelling in our hearts?' yeah.. He did, until we smartly kicked Him out.

why are humans just so damn silly at times? or just plain stupid?


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