jem with me.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

random updates

it's a sign that i've gone soft, when i watched '8 below' for the second time and was sniffing during the ending.
hey jem doesnt tear for movies! to me it's only fiction but my defence is that i love dogs and this is based on a true story anyway. :)

it was a little embarrassing, because there i was on the plane and i was so paranoid the air stewardess will come whilst i was in the midst of drying my eyes.

4.5 hours doesnt seem that long, but i couldnt sleep, the seat was too small, too uncomfy and now i ache everywhere.

but what matters is that i have arrived safely. :)

so czech lost yesterday. being the fair minded person that i am, ghana did a great job. czech's defence seemed to have too many loopholes.

taiwan has so many shops! it's like bugis village, far east, pasar malam, orchard etc all rolled into one. it's a shopping haven. even me, a non-shopper, was really overwhelmed. k and i have been walking and walking for so many hours straight and we're gonna continue later.

everyone walks their dogs here. all shapes and sizes. haha

there's this part where there were many puppies, many little dueys, tortoises, lizards, spiders (!!) basically a huge huge pet shop, or a mini pet farm. and i saw a chow chow puppy!! so cute! but still so gigantic. :)

and i saw a piglet!!!

do u know in germany, they had pig as a drug sniffer because their sense of smell is keener but there were many people protesting against it because they claimed it was not good for the image.

only goes to show how people get so stuck in their own thinking box and dont have the open-mindedness to give other thoughts a try.

but ok fine we're all guilty of that sometime or the other.

but yes, let me repeat.

and when it grows old, i'll have it for breakfast. bacon.. yum yum. haha kidding!

alright, zai jian everyone.

take care and remember, you are all loved by

dear God, please bless my family, my duey, my socks, my friends, my k, and me. :)


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