jem with me.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

it's all very well to be intellectual and rational. but every once in a while, you need to let some craziness seep in a little. just dont let it take over.

sometimes all you need is a little thing, to figure out something big.

at times, you feel fear, you look around and you get afraid. you're frightened of what could have been, and what may be. it's insecuity talking about the uncertainty of the future.

people always say they dont know where they are headed to, and they are scared.

sometimes, people get a little obsessed too.

and it isnt about the tangible things either. the materialistic issues such as where am i headed career wise.. etc.

it's just the many insignificant things which should remain insignificant but unfortunately you allowed them to grow until they threaten to take over your life.

and then it leads to anger, impatience, all directed at yourself

and then you become sad.

it's a vicious cycle. which few will understand.

but sometimes if you dont understand, just try a little patience.

there are events which happened in that person's life, to shape the person into who he is now, how he thinks and he works.
these events contribute to the person's character, both the good, and the bad.

the person has a lovely and an admirable side, and also his faults and flaws.

why is everyone always so ready to embrace the good, but yet do not have the forgiveness, and are so quick to turn against the bad?

are you ready to accept that person as part of your life?
are you ready to let go of the past and look to the future together?

you say you are.
but dont be too quick to answer.

you say you are.
but are you really?

sometimes one chance isnt enough for some people. some people need several tries before they get it right.
but yes, sometimes you only get that one chance.
are you the sort that slams the door, or are you the sort who closes it, but maybe you wont lock it for a while...


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