i was just sitting and thinking about my circle of friends which have grown with me since our secondary school days. and it hit me that the word 'grown' is so appropriate that no other adjective can do ample justice to what we have gone through.
we leadour lives independantly, but consciously and also somewhere in our subconscious we are aware that we do depend on each other someway or another.
how far we have come. looking at our lives now, they are so different yet similar to those that we led then. we 've changed, yet retained a lot of who we were before as well.
my vips. i get wistful just thinking of them. and im so proud of what they have achieved, not only materialistically, but their character, personality, just personal growth has shaped them into the fantastic individuals that they are now.
i read your blogs, and share your ideas and your thoughts. it makes me feel closer somehow, because at times it's always easier to write than to speak.
and it's written black and white proof of the above written in blue.
im impressed by some of your entries. i really am.
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