jem with me.


Friday, June 09, 2006

i feel great waves of sorrow washing over me, and times like this i wish it rained all the time so that no one will be able to differentiate tears from the raindrops.

there's just too much unhappiness in this world. simply because its presence is unnecessary. dont you just feel an overwhelming sense of pity when this truth hits you?

when one is hurt, the ones around them hurt as well. unfortunately, we always choose to share our happiness, but not our sadness. we keep the latter tucked away, where it slowly consumes us, until it's built to a proportion where we feel so ashamed that we dont want to let anyone in to look at it. so the rest of us have to content ourselves in being outsiders, desperately wanting a way in but never succeeding. so we soothe the outside, but internally is the one that counts.

do we actually know what love is? do you read into love, or do you merely recite?
why do we never let the essence of love triumph over everything else?
are you so ignorant, so naive, so caught up that you have belittled it, scoff at the remedy it may provide, or just fear what you have never really gave or been given before?

does the power scare you?

i feel so sad.

well, i hope every now and then, you will remember me, the things i wrote, then maybe one day you will give me a call and say ' i understand what you were trying to tell me all along'

even if it would mean you understood, because someone else was better at explaining than me.


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