jem with me.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

slow down, smell the roses. stop looking at the damn thorns!

so some cant help but walk fast for it's in their nature. ok, dont change your speed but quieten your pace. there are sounds out there waiting to be heard, if only you'd take the time to listen.

and i wonder why we humans fret so much. is it an inbuild thing to worry?
i guess when something is important to us, we border on the line of paranoia and we obsess over the usually unnecessary fear because we're just simply afraid.

we are frightened of many things. we are petrified of loss, outcomes, what ifs...
plus the power we have been given to imagine is often abused.

but of course, everything is easy in theory, but never in execution.

sometimes we think too much, and with that excessive thinking, it inevitably leads to worry at times.
but usually, when we keep it under control, and succeed, at the end of the day, the benefits are yours to harvest.

uncertainty often gets the best of us, and soon after, we lose our way. and that's when the trouble begins. because you become a lost sheep, frantically looking for your shepard, only he's miles away from his hill. in addition, it's cold and dark and lonely.

butthough it might be dark, there is always the light of the night.
and when the sheep looks up, he sees home, and his companions, guided by that light, illuminated by that light, a shinnig beacon of hope.
suddenly, just by that gesture of lifting his head to triumph over defeat, he's one step closer to where he's supposed to be.

when you're in his position, think of that sheep. think of his bravery, his courage, which made him a sheep of significance, authority to his name. he isnt just a sheep. he is THE sheep.

dont ever hang your head, unless to bow in prayer.

look up, there are many guiding stars up there waiting.

control and conquer.
it takes practice. just like everything else.

that's what i believe in.
and that's part of my happiness.
the firm, unwavering f.a.i.t.h. that everything gets better. and everything will turn out right.

happily ever after.


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