jem with me.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

the similarities which intertwine our lives.

we dont put ourselves in each others' shoes aften enough. we always get impatient by others' seemingly oversentiveness, and we retaliate defensively with sentences punctuated with phrases such as 'it's only a..... why must you.... ' without first pausing to consider their position.
we always think that we are right, and others are wrong. we dont always try to understand the heartache that others go through because of our actions.

the things that often go unappreciated are the things that we are supposed to do in the first place. for eg, a mum nags at her daughter for not washing the dishes after she eats. so she begins to. but it goes unnoticed, because that's her duty that she is to fulfill. and one day, she forgets, and her mum screams at her all over again.
is it fair? for the life of me, i cant decide.
and this analogy, is practiced in more areas in our life than we realise.

we notice the ugly, but dismiss the beauty. in others, and especially ourselves. we mock the failures, and belittle successes.
we judge far too quickly.

first impressions are important. because of the above. sometimes unfortunately, you only get one chance. how you carry yourself, your mannerisms, your speech. they make up who you are, and how people perceive you. if you want to be respected, you have to be respectable.

we forget. that we only have this one shot on earth. and the candles of some of us burn faster than the rest, yet we take it for granted that we each are given the same length of candle.
yes, how quickly we forget.

^5. we are all the same.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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