jem with me.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

a carpenter and his tools can go a long way.

imagine someone hands a carpenter a piece of raw wood.
the power the carpenter holds is formidable.

like any raw wood, it is uncut and unpolished.
too many rough edges, holding the danger of many splinters.

he can carve a shape out of it. or he can chop it up for the fireplace.
he can curse and swear at its flaws, or gently sandpaper them away.

it's not about his skill or his craftsmanship. but his patience and love.

he can work at it everyday, never giving up on its potential, or he can chuck it away for better pieces of wood.

imagine that piece of wood is a person.
a person who has given himself whollly to you.

make it or break it.
entirely in your hands.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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