jem with me.


Friday, May 12, 2006

5 months.

this is only the beginning. and what a blissful journey it has been so far.

k reassures me all the time, even though i know it gets tiring at times.
k gives in to where i want to go and what i want to eat, even if she doesnt really feel like it.
k gives me her share of chicken wings, because she knows i enjoy it.
k cooks for me whenever i am hungry.
k calms me down with just a simple hello when she picks up the phone.
k tells me i am the best, and she is always supportive and encouraging.
k tries to see my side, even during an argument.
k offered to pay my $650 piano exam fee, because she feels it will be money well spent.
k takes the effort to pick me whenever she is able to, or sometimes goes out of her way to do so.
k gives me random kisses and hugs.
k is cool!
k makes me feel at peace, when i am on the verge of panic attacks.
k laughs at my jokes.

best of all, k loves me.

and i love her too.

sometimes, i think i am the luckiest person in the whole world.

im happy.
you know, i really am.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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