jem with me.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

the world works in the strangest ways.

i wonder why it's almost a basic innate mechanism in us which makes us listen to comments from strangers ( or acquaintances/surface friends) and not to the ones cloest to us.

and how affected one gets from a discouraging word said by them, yet positive opinions from our loved ones seem to slide off our backs.

makes you realise how screwed up our emotional priorities can get.

ok, i know ive been going on in recent entries about how i dislike it when people open their mouths and talk nonsense.
but bear with me, i need to rant and this is the best outlet.


esp when it is to people i love.

it aint even nonsense. it's sheer foul-mouth-insensitive-feeble hopeless stupid dumb attempt at being charming and obviously failing dismally.

are some people blind or are some people blind?
are they that visually impaired to the damage that their words can do?

and GOSH!

im just so indignant now im practically hyper ventilating. grr.

and no, its not a one-off thing. that's forgivable.
it's just too many gawd damn times.!
like hello! just leave it ok? GO AWAY!

to all the guilty. please sign up for jem's school of mutual respect and tact.
you have a lot to learn.

im not perfect, but im not that imperfect either.



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