jem with me.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

to me....happiness is....

pouncing on your favourite brand of instant noodles in ntuc when you have been looking out for it.

having k coming to get me at the end of a hard day's work
going to get k from work or wherever

snuggling down. either with k or that special soft toy or under a nice comfy comforter in an air con room.


coming home.

paycheck. ( sorry la a little materialistic but hey as long as its not over indulgence who cares. *sheepish grin* )

happy endings to movies and books. i'm sentimental and i like it.

chicken in a biscuit.

mummy's love.

k's love.

friends' love.

the ability to love them back.

smiling literally ear to ear at jarkata airport when i saw her.

listening to nice piano music.
playing nice piano music.

the emotional capacity to laugh and smile with abandon.

my lame jokes. *defiant* haha

all the big things.
and all the little ones.

man. i'm so gawd damn lucky.
help me out here guys. just out of curiousity's sake, what makes you happy?

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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