jem with me.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

obligatory to hl.

here we go!

1 my ex is: uh.... breathing? haha
2. maybe i should: stop saying i will begin to study and really start. and the same goes for exercising.
3. i love: the immense innate potential Man posseses within them.
4. i dont understand: why some people do and say the things they do and say.
5. i lose: too often when i gamble. so much for my secret wish to be 'du shen'
6. people say i am: lame, but i know they are just too shy to laugh at my jokes. or they dont have the capacity to appreciate them. SO THERE! haha
7. love is: found and given in different ways but remains the most powerful tool on earth.
8. somewhere, someone is: wishing they could swap your problems with yours.
9. i will always: love k.
10. forever is: something that falls under the category of phenomenon and miracles. almost impossible but you just never know.
11. i never want to: end the day on a bad note in case i never get a second chance the next morning.
12. i think the current US president: should send me 20 complimentary first class tickets to US, all expenses paid. i want to see Niagara falls.
13. when i wake up in the morning: i go back to sleep till the afternoon or rush off to whatever activity which made me wake up in the morning in the first place.
14. my past: is past.
15. i get annoyed when: people open their mouths and all that comes out are nonsense.
16. parties are for: kids! which we all have in us.
17. my dog is: my rabbit who's called duey-dog-wannabe!
18. my cat is: sleeping on the dining room chair
19. kisses are the best when: you dont have a mouth full of ulcers. :(
20. tomorrow: will take care of itself.
21. i really want: the world to change in certain ways to suit me.
22. i have low tolerance for: see number 15.

tagging: k, yun, zen!

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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