jem with me.


Friday, April 28, 2006

how can there be such a thing as selective amnesia? the truth is that we cant forget the past. it might slip our minds temporarily but mostly it will return, either by self invoking it or an unintentional work of your mind.

the sad side is that often the memories are either negative, accompanied by the whole gamut of emotions that you felt then, at that particular point in time.

well, i say. for every sad side, there's always the good. we may not forget, but behind every memory was a lesson learnt.

do you feel at times that you dont actually feel you belong any where? people say home is where the heart is. a cheesy line but carries the potential of some in depth reflection.
do we feel the longing to be part of something because of that innate comaderie that we carry within ourselves?

humans cant live alone. solitude can only go that far before loneliness sets in.

but your sense of belonging doesnt have to stem from a place does it?
maybe we should give ourselves a chance.

yes, we all need roots. but too many of us forgot to plant the seeds. and roots, like everything else, takes time to grow too.

i had no nightmares yesterday. a good sleep. how easy we take that for granted.
hey you'd be relieved too.

it was a perfect night. in every sense of the word.

duey -dog- wannabe is so sweet. he came running to kiss me when i came home today. we spent a good few minutes kissing each other. whahaha

oops. no i am NOT into beastiality! :S


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