all things, tangible or otherwise, are ephemeral.
some last longer than others, but ultimately, they fade to something that we cant touch or fight against, they dissolve into something known as memories.
we have been repeatedly taught how to savour every moment or we experience its bitter after taste.
but as usual, everything is simpler in theory than in its application.
how to live our life. the burning question that flares every so often and no solution will hold its weight in water to put it out.
but esteem and confidence play such major roles in determining our outlook of life.
it's almost frightening how perspectives can change in relation to these factors.
we look into the mirror and what we see reflected isnt always our true self. it appears that we see what we want to see and choose to ignore many features, and the sorry side to this is that too often we taint ourselves and we form distorted and untrue images. we magnify our flaws tenfold and brush our positives brusquely away and emerge from it a greatly wronged individual.
it's such a pity. especially as most of the times these insecurities are uncalled for. there is so much beauty everywhere, external and internal. we always talk about opening our hearts to others, but first we must extend it wide and far to ourselves first.
blindness, like everything else, is ephemeral too.
and we must always remember, we are god's children.
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