jem with me.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

do you know what happiness is?
euphoria in its empirical form.

have you ever laughed with abandon?
pure momentary bliss?

do you know what happiness is?
do you really know?
do you really really know?

i do.

and because i do,
then i understand what sadness is.

they fit together hand and glove.

we smile at the same time we cry, and we cry at the same time we smile.

do you believe that they are one, or separate emotions?

not all smiles are upon our faces.

and you know,

some tears are cried inside.

all the time, even if you cant see them.

that's the price you pay. for.... everything.

do you believe in deja vu?
do you believe in karma?
do you believe that the past can repeat itself?

the hateful thing is whether i believe it or not, it slaps or will slap me in the face, so that i not only believe in it, but feel the full force of the pain they bring.


some tears are truly cried inside.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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