jem with me.


Thursday, December 29, 2005

*pauses to think*

everyone has problems. it's just a matter of finding its location.
i guess everyone always wishes that they could swap problems.
and sometimes, it's good to remind ourselves that tons of people would fall on their knees and beg for our problems if only they can be released of theirs.
but that doesnt make your problem any less significant, because you aint supposd to weigh problems.
as long as they cause you grief, it becomes a problem.
it isnt about your right to feel.
it's about how you learn to carry on.

although a new year approaches, there are certain issues you have to carry forward with you. things which you fervently wish you can leave behind.

but a fresh start doesnt always mean everything is new.

it just means you begin with a zeal that's untainted.

and you know, this year IS gonna be better than the last.


my name is jem ignatius goh!

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