jem with me.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

fantasies are unlikely. but how beautiful they can be.

gaze into space and day dream about the eutopia which you can submerge yourself and surrender your whole being.
stretch your hand reach out out for it, put a foot forward and walk towards it.

only to remember that the oasis in front of you is but a mirage.

how many times must one remind oneself that delusions exist before we convince ourselves?

but dreams are the antidotes for life's poison.
they stir up hope in us, they make us remember that life isnt as bad as we make them out to be.
because we live, we look as oxygen as a drug, just to treasure every single breath.

but like all drugs, dont get an overdoes. you dont keep that balance, no one but yourself fucked it up.

so many thousand times, the sense of loss, displacement, and all of life's negative emotions threaten to overwhelm you. it leaves you listless, restless.... and nothing seems to be worth fighting anymore.

how can one be contented when you dont even know what makes you contented.

then it is the moment to take time off. seek peace, search for it.
within yourself, and the people around you.

think about how life would be different if one of your friends/family/aquaintance/imporatant figure/ lover/partner/ whatever did not exist.

that's a pretty scary thought, and you sober up pretty quickly.

learn to smile. after all, there is no substitute for a healthy smile.

life sucks. but it can be great too.


dream a little dream.............


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