jem with me.


Sunday, December 04, 2005

ever had moments when you're gripped by the certainty of it all, or realisation smacks you hard, and you think you've finally woken up and come to terms with the truth...

only to sink back into deep sleep again.

it's a cycle. and i wonder why people put themselves through such motions.

just goes to show that even if though you think you stand tall, you're still down on your knees.

been talking to M recently.
seems like she's been in a bit of a predicament.

makes me wonder.
how do you walk away from something so wrong, when he makes you feel that all is perfect?

how do you turn your heart against someone whom you would willingly give everything to?

how can you hold on to someone who doesnt belong to you?

and as quoted ' how often do you meet somebody whom you think completes you?'

i dont know baby, i'm as clueless as you are.

w're all soldiers, and perhaps this is the cross to carry.

you always do this, everytime i get back on my feet...
you always know when to call...


At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info


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