jem with me.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

sometimes i think i dig my own pitholes and i blatantly step right into it.
and then when im in it, i look up and stare at the whole blue sky and wonder how i got myself into such a mess when such wonders are above me.

knowledge equals to wisdom? sometimes ignorance is really bliss. but even knowing that, some stubborn idiots just have to extract that information to satisfy curiosity? the urge to know?

unfortunately, upon hearing what you saw was coming, it's still a shock. ego enters and you almost feel like you want to demand whether she's really better than me.

and then one starts to wonder if she'll ever take my place.
and will the love you had/have for me be replaced by the love you may have for her?

it makes one want to smirk and say 'good luck dude. she'll never love you as much as she loved me. i'll always be THE ONE to her'
and i may say with such conviction and attitude i may almost believe it myself.

well all is inevitable really.

the end of something is always the beginning of another.

we're all moving on, and you and i will become nothing but a past memory.


At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »


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