jem with me.


Friday, November 18, 2005

so we're back to the endless questions on our very purpose of life here.

the result of a miraculous creation, yet we go on an exploration for the answers to our very existence. we look at the path in front of us, yet our destination is far from certain. that long and winding journeys that cause our feet to ache, sometimes accompanied by an equally heavy heart.
and that's when we attempt to wander, with a hope that we may reach where we are supposed to go in an easier route. but like all wanderers, we are apt to get lost, the terrain gets worst than we expect, we meet with the same if not more dangerous obstacles on the way.

the business of living, -let's not even talk about living life to the fullest- demands so much energy and attention from us. mountainous problems, rocketing emotions, they all leave us drained every now and then.

from the exploitation of our innocence, to the growing of our soul and experience, we realise that truly, there are no answers, except to carry on.

how many dreams have we had, that vanished with the sunset at the end of the day?
yet how many dreams awoke with us at dawn?
how many days have we drank from the cup of disappointment, yet eaten from the plate of satisfaction?
how many days have we wept, yet sang with heart so carefree the very next day?

and we learn so many things.

we learn that with every hello, at the end, you may have to say goodbye.
we realise strength of character, when we meet troubles with grace and dignity, not the grief of a child.
we realise maturity, when we refrain from judgement, and understand.
we realise wisdom, when there is more to life than intellect.
we learn love, when we hold out our arms to hug and accept.
we learn the art of endurance, when we break down, yet we smile through our tears and get up again.
we learn empathy, when we look at someone who fell, and sit down with him to cry.

yet learning never limitations, never comes to an end.
there is so much out there, so much to see, so much to behold.

we learn what balance is. the good and the bad.
and then we learn to carry on.


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