i had leaped upon it expectantly before i remembered one must not harbour unnecessary hopes. so i began erasing all the expectations, till they vanished, all but one.
quantity is not equivalent to significance.
ive learned, over a course of time, that when you shrug something off your shoulders, it'll get hooked on your belt in the process of falling, so it follows you. you screw your head to look at it but you cant see it. yet it's there. and its presence almost irritates you.
and im learning too, that genorosity only goes that far. extend it to sharing and i'll score lower than the temperature in the north pole.
sometimes i wonder, why we do the things we do? what are the reasons to spur us, and explanations we give ourselves that hold us back.
is the truth blatantly in our face, so close that we cant see it?
or like many truths, did they go into hiding.
what causes us to embark on particular paths, even if you may feel is is an almost inevitable journey of frustrations. do we do it to prove ourselves wrong, or perhaps we seek to dig for happiness we know we will find within.
i think we humanoids are strange beings.
but that's another thing that ive learned. we know that certain things are vices, they aint good for us. yet we stubbornly do it anyway.
simply because it makes us happy, and it's a basic human inclination not to think so far ahead.
or we await something, almost with desperation, we seek for answers to questions that need not have existed.
i should sing that eagles song 'the things that are pleasing you, can hurt you somehow'
hello i should even be singing desperado why dont you come to your senses.
how appropriate.
but it contradicts the cliche of good things come to those who wait.
when i have a glass of water, i just say there's water inside. it's neither half full, nor is it half empty.
but this time, i'll go with the cliche.
if im lucky, the pay offs will be fantastic.
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