jem with me.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

' a few moments after feeling vulnerable and sad, they reverted to angry talk. their pain was big, and they were afraid to feel it'

how carefully chosen these words were, and how wonderfully they fit into my jigsaw.

in that sentence alone, it reaffirmed everything i ever understood about myself.

Random Jem

1. today is a special day, because my one in a million turns 21!

2. chatted with rainey! over msn and had quite a revelation! hahaha! i still cant believe i said that raine! pretend pretend!

3. maumau comes home today! after months of anticipation! yay!

4. deb is home too!

5. yun makes me laugh when im angry.... :D i can send her an sms complaining abt something and her response is always so un-typical and they're funny! keep it coming sweetie!

6. i talk utter rubbish when i am half asleep. to k: haha i'll think abt the old lady joke ok?? next time let me sleep!

7. when im tired, i am cranky and whiny. such a small kid....

8. in spite of everything, i am actually feeling quite happy...


9. i actually miss zen. ZEN! I MISS U! ZEN!


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