jem with me.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

my heart bleeds for you like how it will never bleed for anyone else.

how and why did things end up like that?

everything happens for a reason. *takes a deep breath* and unfortunately we are the epitomy of 'never meant to be'. cheesy? maybe. the truth? heartbreakingly definite.

i miss her.
i didnt remember us, neither did i reminise.
it just hit like a ton of bricks. and hurt with the same magnitude.

i have times of emptiness, the places where she used to fill. i have broken pieces, the ones that she has broken.

it's not like i havent moved on. i have. i carry on with life and i'm happy and contented.

it's just that i never loved anyone the way i love her. and i just feel down at times, that's all.
im entitled to that right?

the anger has finally subsided, only to be replaced by immeasurable sadness.
i dont know which is worse.


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