jem with me.


Saturday, October 29, 2005

i shall go as a masked crusader. sweep everyone off their feet.

go as witch la. you carry broomstick, also can sweep everyone off their feet.


knnbccb. what a spoiler right?
haha but i thought my friend was so funny la.

anyway, i'll be going for zouk's halloween night! initially wasnt that hyped up at first but suddenly it became more and more exciting.

apparently if you go as something scary your entry will be waivered. but erm.. nah. i scare easily. shit just realised there'll be plenty of scary ghosts on monday. shit~! i'm really afraid of these kinda things you know!

anyway, JASMINE! go la go la! you go as princess jasmine and i'll go as aladdin. ok? deal? hahaha

caught the legend of zorro yesterday and it was so exciting!
maybe i shld tk up fencing or something.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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