jem with me.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

do you feel?

i am human. of course i have feelings.

i have the same range of feelings all of you have.

i know how to get angry.
i know how to fall in love.
i know to care.
i know what bitterness is.
i know how angst feels like.

i know everything.


yes of course i know what sadness is. i feel sad too you know.

so why not cry? let it out?

what for?

to feel better.

but im okay.

you can be better.

dont need to be.

you gonna go through the rest of your life like that?

nurtured since i was young.

you need someone to look out for you.

i look out for people, not the other way round.


why not?

is it that difficult to get through to you?

no of course not.

then why are you so defensive?


when you get angry you lose your temper. when you are happy you smile.
so what's the difference between sadness and the other feelings?


it's just that for sadness, i just forgot how to react.

is that very hard to understand?

yes i think so.

i think so too.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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