jem with me.


Friday, September 02, 2005

WARNING: entry contains wallowing and self pity.

i thought that this entry would be one that bellows to the whole world that i'm back and proclaiming all to rejoice for the return of my joyous presence.

i thought that this entry would be exclamations of how excited i am to be back.

so much for thoughts.

to put it in an exaggerated manner, the feeling is a literal ache everytime i recall any moment that happened and needless to say, that means i am experiencing that ache almost every minute currently.
you know what it's like? to have something to surreal in your hands, only to have to let it go with all its finaility. and the airport is depressing enough without the added closure which totally sucks!

and the best part is, it might sound exaggerated but this is as real as it gets. raw to the core.

yes it's normal to feel disorientated and a little empty after the euphoria of the past week.
but it's not exactly normal to feel something lk that so strongly i guess.

but just cause it's normal or abnormal doesnt mean i gave up my rights to feel.

it's to such an extent that when anyone asks me how my trip went i want to burst into tears! and the horrifying thing is that i am not exaggerating again!

to yun: a very a HUGE THANK YOU to yunnie! for your wonderful hospitality and chauffering. haha as well as your treats when we ran out of cash. we owe you dinner! and your jackets! tell joel we give him a kallang wave. haha.

gwennie: what would i hv done without you at the departure lounge that's all i can say. if i was alone i would really have ran back out and lied to everyone abt the hailstorm cancelling my flight.

mau: all i can say to you is...... maumau.......
hahahhaha! i will miss your hugs (ahem) and your elbowing me in the face and your teeth grinding at night.
btw my lip is still swollen!! (mau punched me in the club. sigh sigh. ;p)

debbie: just want to say thank you for everything too. for driving down late at nights just for a while to see us! it's really really appreciated. and sending us off too. i think u might have had a scare to see us like that huh? first and last time you see me cry man! haha see you in nov babe.

the 3 guys: ok they definitely wont see this but i think i shld mention it too cause i think it was a really nice gesture of them to come down to see us off. they took a cab! and cabs are so freaaakking expensive.

anyway dele if you'r reading this, i'm sorry i couldnt reply any messages it's just that it's not a normal singtel line, it's a hi card where my value is super limited and even if i'm willing to pay i dont exactly have a means to do so.

oh and yes! are you going for louey's thing tmr?

and while we're on the subject, people my handphone is not working. my sim card cant be read i have no idea why. you can still call cause i diverted the number but then my hi card value is low so i cant pick up so basically i am ratehr uncontactable at the moment.

ok no la, you guys just give cher a message if anything.


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