jem with me.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

people would say take a good look at your relationship should you ever feel the urge to cheat on your partner.
people come to an automatic conclusion that you dont love your partner that much after all, because simple logic says if your love your partner, you wont hurt her.

yeah so simple right.

but do you realise that there are many angles to the word hurt?

it takes 2 hands to clap for almost everything under the sun. why is the one that got cheated on always the injured party? why is the one that cheats always the scum, the despicable one that deserves to burn in hell.

you. yes you the injured one. did you ever stop to think that you played a big role? through your incessant demands and expectations which your poor guy never seems to be able to fulfill? through your complicated emotions and your senseless insecurities? through the accusations, the rake ups, the break downs? through the stirring up of everything when your guy was more than happy to keep things simple and happy? through your self pity and self sympathies and wishing there was more? through that discontented aura you hang around yourself making your guy feel that he'll never give you enough? that he'll never be good enough cause all you ever do is point out all the mistakes and the things left undone and unsaid instead of the efforts and sweet words given so willingly out of love.?

did you ever stop to think about how and where you are going wrong?

did you ever stop to give him a break?

you hurt him too. you've been hurting him through the course of the relationship. but how easily you forget the minute he does something to hurt you which stemmed from your rantings in the first place?

you just wail and the whole world rushes to your side because 'oh, another bastard who cheated on his girlfriend.'


so who's at fault? isnt it both?

someone tell me why why why is the guy the bastard? the guy who despite all the ups and downs never failed to love his girlfriend any less despite what all those people say.

he made one big mistake. but you made many small ones. just because they are small ones doesnt make it easier for him. yet he never ceased to love you.

yes he was wrong to find momentary comfort. yes it was a huge shitty thing to do.

what about you? did you drive him to it? did you push him further away? arent those small shitty things too?

but the one who cries always wins. the seemingly weaker ones get all the votes.

so some may ask, why didnt the guy just get out of the relationship? hell! he loves the girl for god's sake. he loves her more than he ever loved anyone before and he really believes that he wil not find another girl whom he will ever love more.

have you every been in the guy's position? if you havent, you wouldnt understand. not even close to it. you have to be in that same exact shoes to fully understand the turmoil and conflict and trust me it's not pretty.

i'm not condoning this. neither am i saynig it's wrong. all i'm trying to explain is that sometimes, things arent black and white. and when these kind of things happen, it's a tragedy, a love gone wrong but still a love nonetheless. it's not a matter of cold bloodedness or cold heartedness or judgement anymore. it's about feeling that ache in you in reading about how a love so deep has to go through such shit.

so he took the final step. and it was a tragic mistake.

but stop it. the one who cheated is human too. the same anger, the same bitterness and the same sadness everytime you hurt him, just like how he hurt you.

no, for those wondering, i am not the guy in question. this is merely random entry.

disclaimer: the above does not include bastards who naturally have a cheating streak in them, which sadly i also have to agree that many guys do have it in them. and also, no, for those wondering and those who ever wondered, i'm not one of them. i'm a girl. and there's a reason why they say girls are more sensitive. i have feelings too you know.


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