jem with me.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

you see, all relationships are like plants.

you have your family rel, love rel, social rel, and platonic rels.

many different plants in your garden of life. each with their own unique beautiful colourings.

but similiar to all other literal plants, tender care must be nourished upon it for it to blossom.

what if you have a sickly plant?
you pay more attention to it right?

if the plant is sickly, plant flowers by all means. it perks it up.
but flowers, with sickly roots, cannot be used to its maximum.
which is a pity.

flowers and leaves should be well looked after, granted.
but roots are the most important of all.

and you know what's the best thing?
with these type of plants, their lifespan is as long as yours.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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