jem with me.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

what is the right answer to a dilemma?

the popular questions: lifeboat example - tossing some overboard in order for others to survive.
or that fat man stuck in the mouth of the cave: killed so the others within the cave can get out?

similiarity lies in that element of sacrifice. fatal sacrifices.

i cant imagine being caught in a such a situation. i wouldnt for the life of me have any idea what to do.

conflict of right with the good.

but thankfully,
we rarely have to face such moral dilemmas with our choices resulting in dire conclusions.

but yet we face so many dilemmas everyday. each with their own share of heavy consequences.
and most of them cant really be solved, because some important aspect may be left out.

i guess at the end of the day, it's a choice. and the belief that what you do is right and there simply wasnt any other way.
and because of that power of believing, you end up really convinced.

which is good. because we cant go through life living in between.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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