jem with me.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

you normally run and hide from things or people you dislike.

or people you like too much.

Although this appears illogical at first glance, it makes a hell lot of sense. And no, it's not because of the overrated fear of rejection either.

People say that when you like someone, you treat the person well. But it's not that simple.
You tend to treat the person better when you own her, or about to own. Im sorry I use the word own here, I know this makes people sound like material possessions, but in a certain sense, it is about owning right?

And sometimes when you know that person is no longer in your reach, you tend to back off. Suddenly your pride looms up and beckons.
And it's not about protecting yourself. (ie that fear of rejection thing again)

it's about ego.
it's all about acting cool.

and that's reality.
I havent been attending school for sometime.
soon i shall have to reassess my priorities when my exams approach.
I need a financial planner too. or an accountant. someone, or something to help me keep track of where all that money fly to.
THAT'S AN IDEA! maybe i shld invest in one. is there such a thing??

just received a message from dele saying she missed me. I MISS YOU TOO! looking forward to our dinner date next week. *sings* just the 2 of us......

Zen: ehhhh!! haha i never knew until i read your blog you know! anyway, i think it wld be more of 'first like' rather than the other cause i dunno... the duration? or age? hahaa but yes i am honoured thank you very much. i would like to thank ij for holding a lit class, er... for when i didnt bring my lit book....for you sitting alone...and ok la for regine's help. hahahahah!

Looking forward to Cher's birthday celebration on Sat! May we all have loads of fun and dont worry i'll ask the DJ to wish you k? haha love u.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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