jem with me.


Monday, April 11, 2005

my stomach is how my stomach used to be when i suck it in.

i have a......a.....*stammers*........ tummy.........

there. ive said the forbidden word and admitted the truth.

i blame the boy who first brewed beer.

life is short, and there's nothing like looking at the tombstones of you loved ones to give you that reality check, because you end up reminising, end up drowning in nostalgia, and ultimately get gripped by paranoia that the something similiar could occur. or rather, would occur.
the fear lies in the fact that tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

but then, i think it's quite impossible to live everyday as though it is your last because although death is very real, doing this ironically isnt realistic. because if that's really the case, no one would work, no one would go to school. they would just shedule the entire day dedicated to what they want to do because what they need to do is of minimal importance anymore.

priorities shift.

unfortunately, nostradamus predicted the end of the world, but he didnt predict the end of each individual lives.

at the end of the day, you just have to carry out your responsibilities but yet never let go of what is important.

god bless everyone.

and your families.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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