jem with me.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

if you do something repetitively, you implicate yourself to the world of stereotyping.
it is not up to others to see you in a different light, but for you to rearrange the image that you played a major part in creating.

a case of give a dog a bad name and hang him?

from a certain angle maybe, but definitely not entirely so.

people may not jump to conclusions, but the apprehension exits.
only time and respect earned changes that.

maybe it's a case of give a dog a bad name and think about hanging him?

a little digression ..

what contributes to the longevity of a relationship?
love,respect, attention, bonding (not bondage, mind!), commitment, trust, faith, goodwill..

and forgiveness.

for when all else fails, it really comes in handy.

for the power to forgive is perhaps one of the greatest acts of love.


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