jem with me.


Monday, April 04, 2005

if you could have one thing to represent yourself, what would it be?

i dont know really.

so i take a look around me and ponder.
some animal perhaps? since every morning we wake up to a rat race, with some contenders being mere social butterflies gracing the event, others with the power of animal magnetism, not to forget those with quirks of beastiality. or them(damn) bitches?

self portraiture... how can anything ever capture the very essence of you? other than yourself.

but what if sometimes you feel you're in danger of morphing into one of those that you previously disagreed with because of a natural progress of evolution. it's not intentional, it's just going with the flow. or admit it, maybe you're just so caught up that some priorities have shifted.

and so they say, take time to find yourself. dont lose yourself. dont forget yourself. and all the other wordly advice that the wise have bestowed to us. those are the ones who would choose owls to represent themselves.

i wonder how owls became the epitomy for wise anyway?
but reason aside, they ARE the stature of experience. and maybe it's ok to heed them every once in a while.

wisdom comes with age.
maybe to some extent because of better experience blah blah blah.

but there are some wiser beyond their years. and thumbs up to them mr owls.

no really. that was not meant to be sarcastic because sometimes i wish i were a bit more owl-y.

maybe if i change my name to hedwig? (digression: i ordered the 6th book!!)

so back to the topic.

well i guess if i could choose anything to represent myself, i would just choose me.
for all my imperfections, i think most of the time i try my best.
not only to be owl-y, but other things as well.

and that's the most important isnt it?


im sorry.. im still hung up over ms c.

good night everyone. may you get up on the right side of bed, to glorious sunshine and a bright cheery morning.
but even if you dont, it's ok. because as long as you are smiling inside, nothing else can matter.

ps: and if you can, please have a minute of silence on your own for the pope and pray for his family ok?


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