jem with me.


Saturday, April 30, 2005

i cant believe im awake at this time.
yes fine, it's not unbelievably early but it is an uncharacteristically unworldy hour for me!

i did sleep by the way. it's not a case of playing the whole night and going without sleep.

it's waking up!! i slept and woke up at 8.15am!

i was supposed to teach today.
but i didnt. ok obvious.

my night was not spent wisely at all. what was supposed to be sleep was replaced by multiple tosses and many short dreams which jerked me awake at the end of each. so therefore, the number of times i woke up in addition to incessant turnings led me to declare i didnt want to work today.

not that i ever needed much excuse or reason. ;p

so whyyy am i blogging when i should be sound asleep?

because i cant go back to sleep at all!

7-8.15 is duey's most active hour. he demands to be let out of his cage and if i dont, he makes a helluva noise that it is impossible to get any sleep.
not like there's much difference after you let him out because he jumps onto your sleeping figure and demands attention.

but now, at 9am, is usually a time where he sleeps.
a perfect time for undisturbed sleep.

but im awwwwaaakkkeeee!

someone sing me a lullaby.


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