jem with me.


Friday, April 08, 2005

1. Name: Jamie
2. Nicknames: Jem
3. Race: Hua Ren
4. Nationality: Xin jia po ren
5. Age : er shi. going to er shi yi. ok stop it jem.
6. Email (friendster):
7. Email (msn): same as above
8. Eye color: dark brown
9. Hair color: i like to match my eyes, and so thus. matching idiosyncrasy came after my blonde streaks. im not saying i want blonde eyes. scary!
10. Ear Piercings or tattoos: one on each ear such a sweet little girl. ;p and 2 of the latter. not so sweet anymore.
11. How many fingers: i thank god for little mercies like having all intact.
12. Siblings: shaun. anyone wants him? take him! haha i'm just kidding cant live without him really. im the younger one.
13. stupidest thing while drunk: oh man.. walking into the door of the club with a really loud bang. that's classic. it was when i still couldnt really hold my drinking. and it was years ago!
14. Cheated: cheated? erm. in all aspects yes i guess so. not that im proud of it. i am changed! i have seen the light. ;p
15. Missed school: let's not talk about it.
16. Set any body part on fire for nothin: do people actually do that? well im not one of them.
17. Had a secret from everyone: yes of course.
18. Had an imaginary friend: i dont think so.. *speaks to person next to me* psst.. are you a figment of my imagination? haha
19. Wanted to hook up with: im already hooked. and i didnt need a bait. nor do i want to get free. :)
20. Smacked or grabbed a guys/girls ass: in passionate lust?? haha
21. Had a crush on a teacher: yes. one in sec sch and one in jc. and none in uni. haha
22. Ever thought of animated characters: hmm... what do you mean think? they're just there. dont really put much thought into them.
23. Ever owned a 'New Kids on the block' CD: no but i have some of their songs on mp3 and i like them! *defensive* listen to their version of 'happy birthday'
24. Ever prank called someone?: lol no the thought was there though. in sec sch. that technician in our sec school who smoked all the time. cant remember his name.
25. Been on stage: school stage? i was director of a class play in sec2, because no one wanted to be and because i was class prefect i had to resume the role. it was such a bad production that the tragedy we were supposed to enact turned into a comedy. ( we did animal farm. it was the scene where boxster the horse was going to be put down. how sad is that! but the horse and everyone else were laughing! what so funny about euthanasia! and ure about to die u stupid horse)
26. Cried: er. yeah of course.
27. Kicked gerls most important part: !!?? who came up with this.
28. Been mean: *ashamed* yes....
29. Met someone new: hmm we meet new people all the time right? unfortunately im a little anti social.
30. Talk to someone u have a crush on now: unfortunately the person i have a crush on is in hollywood. so. yes.
31. who are your friends: im darn sure they know who they are
32. best friend: 2. yunnie and louey!
33. Fought w/ parent(s): hardly anymore. im all done with the teenage angst.
34. Wished upon a star: oh.. this made my heart go ouch cause i realised it's been a long time since i did it. pity. i should start.
35. Laughed until u cried: yes. when i tell my oh so very funny jokes! by the way i came up with one more! *clears throat* what did the cigarette say to the ash tray. EH WHY YOU TOUCH MY BUTT!' haha so funny right!!
36. Watched sunrise/sunset: sunset once... watched it alone when i was 12 when i was at the fishing kelong.. sunsets when ure right in the middle of the sea itself... is a once in a lifetime experience.
37. Went to the beach at night: all the time
38. Read a book for fun: yes all my escapism books
39. Ate meat: i am a hard core carnivore.hey.. this ryhmes
40. Lonely: not at all..
41. R u talking to someone online now: nopez!
42. Who named u: my daddy and my mummy chinese name picked by my grandmama
43. Backstreet Boys or N'sync : uh.. can i pick the eagles? ok fine. bsb. some of their songs are nice.
44. What r u listening to now: oops.. i'm singing to myself.. haha so im listening to jem's greatest hits live
45. Last thing u said when u talked online: complainging that blogger screwed up one of my entries.
46. Whats right nxt to u: darling duey is lying at my feet
47. Whats on ur computer desk: my computer. books. papers. phone. pretty boring actually.
48. Last thing u drank:kickapoo
49. Where would u wan to go on ur honeymoon?: actually, it doesnt matter. even a resort at our neighbour's is perfect too. it's the company that matters right?
50. Do u think everyone is stupid?: does stupid equte to being brainless? well everyone has a brain. just whether they exercise it or not. but no i dont believe anyone is stupid.
51. Do you think you're smart: erm! i'm not a genius. i need to study. but all i need to do is try. so im not smart but i'm not not smart. :>
52. Weather right now: unpredictable
53. What did u do last night: sleep and awoke to nice rainy weather which unfortunately i cldnt relish cause i had to go for piano
55. All time fave tv show: oh this is hard.ok not very. i dont have one.
56. Dream car/bike : BMW 7-series, Mercedes S Class ( I have something for big cars as you can see) erm... but for now just any car will do. really. im not fussy so give me a car now! haha i dont have a bike licence so let's not go into that. wait i dont have a car licence yet. YET. YET YET YET YET YET!
57. What do u want to be: looking at the present looks like im on my way to being a lawyer. but i'd like to set up my own pet store. and have a cafe with my friends. which WILL serve pet gourmet too!!!!
58. Fav Music: piano. guitar. cello. r and b! anything.
59. Fav Food: too many to name.
60. Fav Drink: water. and coke. though it's been a very long time since i drank coke. im getting off my addiction.
61. Fav day of e week: sunday.
62. If u could change ur name, what would it be: i'm happy with jamie jem thank you very much. i love myself and that includes my name and my nickname. and to set all records straight, the name jem is not another name to replace my original or whatever name and it was not taken from 'to kill a mockingbird!' it's just a shortened version of my name which i have used for many years and it stuck. that's all really.
63: what does the world need now? WORLD PEACE!!!!!!! this just reminded me of ms c. but well... *sings* what the world needs now... is love sweet love.... it's the only thing.. that is just .. to little of......

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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