jem with me.


Saturday, March 26, 2005

went to the doctor's on thurs to pick up some vasican for my throat congestion. it's a pill that dissolves the mucus and phlegm that accumulates at the back of your throat because of gawd knows reason why.

and today i found out the reason!

i was too exhausted to go to work today so had to go to another doctor to get mc. decided to use the excuse of diarrhoea cause it cant exactly be proven right? so anyway, this doctor is so good!
the minute i stepped into the examination room, he asked if i had a history of asthma because my breathing didnt sound regular. he told me " there's a tightening in your airway of about 15%, as compared to asthmatics whose ariways tighten by about 20%, hence you cant hear any visible wheezing. do you feel your throat has nasal congestion?'

and i was like wow! yes!

anyway i told him i went to the doctor blah blah blah.

the interesting part came where he reached a verdict when i described some symtoms which i thought was due to the throat congestion but he said no.

and he told me, that i have anxiety.

and i was like, no i'm happy.

he said that's not the point.

and he went on to describe if i had feelings of a certain kind recently. and ok i couldnt deny that over the past few months i wasnt exactly feeling over the top or whatever.

so verdict: i have an anxious dispositon.


that done, he examined my stomach. (i had diarrhoea remember? haha) and he said, i have too much acids in my stomach.

so, instead of going to pick up an mc and some diarrhoea pills, i ended up with the pills, acid pills, and..... anti stress tablets!


but his fees are so reasonable.

and ok la, at least if that;s really the case i can curb it once and for all.


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