jem with me.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Name: Jem Goh
Date: 16 march 2005

composition: A Day at the Zoo

It was a bright and sunny day. (it was freakkking humid!) my friends Gen joan and i decided to go to the zoo. we took bus 138 from amk interchange. (it was a freakkking long journey!)


we saw many animals, such as tigers (the white tiger was gorgeous) , butterflies (gen dragged us to the butterfly kingdom and it was scary! i hv a phobia for flying stuff and so does joan), er.. polar bears, monkeys, elephants and so on.

we went to the children's zoo! where we fed the goats and donkeys. we met a moo-ing cow too.
(i have no idea why she was bellowing her lungs out. singing i think.)
i think the children's playpool doesnt look very clean.

we wanted to take a cab back to amk but the queue was too long so we decided to take the bus, where i had to stand for the whole journey cause i didnt have a seat.
my legs were very tired. (they almost gave way!)

the 3 of us then went to the hawker centre where we ate and talked.

i went home feeling very happy.

it was a very fun day.
(hell it was great!!)

marks: 10/10

a day at the zoo.. it really sounds like a primary sch composition title doesnt it? *grinz*
i couldnt resist.

anyway, thanks gen and joan.
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my name is jem ignatius goh!

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