jem with me.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

it's sickening how you may experience something that can bring on a torrent of conflicting emotions at once which serves to complicate your mind matters even further.

it's a classic case of not knowing exactly what you are feeling.
i dont like it when it's neither black or white!
grey areas.

ironic seeing that law revolves around that colour.

speaking about law, i decided not to take my exams, open book or otherwise.
I shall however, WILL have group discussions and get the answers and read through the answers from my lecturer.
see.. not that a hopeless cause after all right?

i am 45 minutes late but HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO MY BUDDY JOANNE!!
like what i exclaimed today when i saw her.... you can watch RA!!!
not that i'm dying for my birthday to come so i can do that of course. im not sex-oriented!
unlike another certain 'jo' i know off. :>

anyway, JO! hope this year brings you great happiness and success. in every aspect. i cant wait for us to go for your birthday dinner!

bessy! i shall try the clearwhite and then we can compare and exchange info ok??
here's to a set of super duper white teeth
to: the vips
louey's condition is good. diagnosis was actually food poisoning which led to severe dehydrations and low glucose count therefore she has to be put on a drip!
she's one helluva difficult patient though... pestering the nurses to let her go for a walk... (she cant go for a walk with that drip!) in the end the nurses relented and took her off e drip for 10 mins but she has to sit in a wheelchair!
which was damn funny cause she made her friend wheel her all over...
and she kept asking the nurses whether she can eat! which of course she cant cause she's on a drip!
and she kept asking when she can be discharged.
basically, when louey acts like that, you know she's well and dandy!

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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