jem with me.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

anyone knows if the teeth whitening products sold in pharmacies actually work?
maybe i should try the 'clearwhite' sylvestor is endorsing.

i want to have brilliant white teeth!
i want to dazzle everyone with my smile!
i want my teeth to sparkle like 10-carat diamonds!

i'm also going to highlight my hair. just simple highlighting.
lime green? metallic silver?
haha mummy will faint.

i'm feeling proud of myself again! *feels proud looks proud*
i am going to purchase the sony cybershot t3 this week! yippee!
ok no that's not why i'm proud.
i'm proud because this is the first expensive item that i am paying all by myself.
paying my instalments. haha if i pay one shot... wait. i cant. cause i dont have money to pay it at one go.


highlights and camera...
-jem is feeling happy!-


At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »


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