jem with me.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What if the recent sms you received from someone was the last sms you'll ever receive again?
What if the conversation you just ended would be the last time you ever talk to her again?
What if the time she waved goodbye, it was really the end?
What if the time you got together for happy laughs became the final laugh you'll ever hear?

If you loved ones leave tmr, all the above would come true.
If you leave tmr, all the above would also come true.

It's scary how we take tomorrow for granted.

How do we celebrate life?

So many times we know that if we turned back time we would have done things a little differently.
So many things we do now, we know we might regret.

There are so many big decisions to make. So many different paths for you to choose from.
So what would your choice be.

I always try to base my decision on this little mantra. "if this were my last day on earth, where would I go, what would I do, who would I choose to talk to, to spend my time with."

And now, I really am living by it.

But what about everyone else?

Life is weird.


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