jem with me.


Thursday, December 23, 2004

I used to hate relying on technology, thinking it was impersonal and insincere.
But now I know that these emails and phones and microphones and webcams are my assets .

At least I know this is a healthy relationship cause Im not moping when she's not around. miss her yes, but not overly pining.


Sometimes it's funny how you can have so much faith in something almost similar to a losing battle.

Maybe that's what love is. To enjoy and savour every minute spent together. And to know that what we have runs deep inside, and suddenly the future doesnt seem that important, cause you already know that you had the chance of loving and being loved by someone once.


enough of that rambling.


Meeting all my VIPs later. Cant wait.

*big grin*

I bought a light blue adidas cap yesterday... I love it! But it makes me look really young. Actually it's baby blue in colour.. but then that would make me seem even younger.
oh well. It's better to look younger than what your age is rather than older right?
After all that would be my benefit next time.

I love my family. My family loves me.
I love my friends. My friends love me.
I love you. You love me.
What more can anyone ask for?

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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