jem with me.


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Maybe I'm someone who just doesnt believe in the ideals of love.
Maybe I'm someone who turns away the notion that love conquers all.
Maybe I'm so overridden with flaws that I begrduge myself these wonders of love.
Maybe I'm someone who gives up too easily.

Maybe this is what she thinks of me.

played tennis today.
It was satisfaction, to whack those balls, but it was only temporary. And sadly, I dont have the stamina to last.I lasted 2 hours of running. And that is hell of an acheivement for me!

Relationships are complex, even though they shouldnt be. The whole rationale behind who gives more shouldnt even be put into existence.Yet sadly, there is no such thing as unconditional love in romantic relationships. Or maybe I just never let myself believe in it.When people get tired, fingers are pointed at them, and they are seen as not loving their partner enough. Well, that's so quintessential.

I dont allow Duey to hop on my bed because of some unexplained reason my bed makes him poo.

The scenario seems to be that 'you dont love Duey enough.'
I prefer to see it as , 'no matter what Duey does, I still love her'

When I gave it up, fingers were pointed, that I dont love her enough.
But nobody, not even you, saw it as, 'no matter what you did, I will always love you.'
Prove the love. Some might say.I already have, even right now.
She said she tried, but perhaps not the way I want her to try.
I love her, but perhaps not the way she wants me to love her.

Your trying was not enough for me. I wanted more.
And my loving you is not enough for you, for you want more.

yes, to each his own.
We have different sights.
Can they be compromised? I dont know.

I dont see why I have to listen to 'anjing'
After all, you didnt lose me to anyone else.
read the lyrics. They are totally irrelevant.
And your seeming insensitivity, as though I wanted this conclusion all along, was like an arrow through the heart.

It's so easy to say let's give it one more shot. It's so easy to say those words.
but when one party refuses, she is immediately seen as the one who has the lesser strength.
Maybe. But I thought you acknowledged that this has been hard for me, maybe even doubly so.

Everyone needs help every now and then. Everyone needs a listening ear. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on.
But not me.

I dont show it, but the grieving is right there, inside my heart.
And I grieve alone.


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