Faith in faith...
I do not practise cynism. I always thought that the glass was half full. I always looked at the silver lining. I always believed that people are born good.
And when something happens, albeit good or bad, I firmly affirm that there's a bigger reason behind it and maybe we are too small to understand the reasons behind it.
Because in the end, it all works out. Or maybe it doesnt, but you get over it. And if you continue to dwell on it, perhaps the problem actually lies in you.
People scoff at hope and optimism. That they are redundant elements, only succeeding in temporary relief, only to have your whole world tumbling down again when it is.. well.. as I said.. only temporary.
But that's where faith comes in, isnt it? Its residing period is all within you control. You can choose to believe repeatedly, or you can choose to feel that everything is just a waste of your time. It's all within yuor control.
But the trouble with people sometimes is that they lack faith. Or they dont give it due respect. Or sometimes the idea of faith doesnt even cross their mind at all.
have faith people have faith!
It's a miraculous thing, if you only give it a chance.
It's a world of laughter a world of tears
It's a world of hope, it's a world of fears...
The world can be such a sad place, when you look at the blotches that ruin the masterpiece. And you wonder how people have the heart or the humanity to say or do certain things. It's not a matter of ' it's not your place to judge', but it's definitely 'hey I behave this way, form your own opinion of me'. And the opinion formed is not very er... to their favour. To put it mildly.
Yes yes cliche, no one is perfect. But what makes this disappointing is that people dont try. Not try to be perfect, but just try. To give their best to the others around them, especially the ones closest to you.
I dont think it's very difficult to remember that everyone has feelings.
And feelings do get hurt too you know.
remember people remember!
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