jem with me.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

This is also going to be straightforward and true.

The many details that you missed out from the other side, does not outweigh the mistake that you made. I never once blamed you for going out with K, and I dont think anybody blames you for that, or anybody having the right to. What I find to be a pity is that you didnt check to see if you were allowed to break that rule. You made an attempt to find out if Z was alright with it, but sincerity can be measured, and your sincerity appeared to be one of a very low score, simply because of the reason that you went out with him without the assurance of whether Z was absolutely okay with it.

If you have been deceiving youself about the proximities of all of our relationships, maybe you should stop. Because it is apparent that what we have is a mere branch in our own trees of life, -- maybe yours was sturdier than others, but we all have other branches of our own, other people who, sad to say, matter more. But that's not to say we have nothing. We do have something, which can continue to be built, but if you measure closeness by quantity of time, as I said, we do not have that at all. 4 years, yes, but it does not amount to much.

Yes, we hardly talk anymore. And I admit, it was mainly because of E that caused this. But I also feel that we could talk about anything under the sun last time because the quality that we put together was not so much of effort on our parts, but because school had given us that opportunity. Things were fine after we graduated for a while, but maybe distance drove us apart. Maybe Z felt the same distance as you did. But what you may not understand, and maybe Z might not agree with me, Z and I went way back. We used to be able to talk about everything under the sun as well, but the difference is, we still can.

Nobody is caught up with anybody else. The truth is, as harsh as this may sound, other people matter more. Life is about prioritising, and sometimes our relationship with each other dont take top priority. It's sad maybe, but as I said, importance of a person has to be built up.

Now, we probably drifted even further. But I've got issues on my own to deal with concerning trust and everything else in this relationship. Because frankly, to tell you the truth, I feel that you dont think very much about consequences before you do something.

Yes it is highly pathetic that we have to communicate this way. But it isnt because we all are busy. It's because, simply put, we dont have the heart to put in the effort, that may be needed, but unsure of whether it is wanted.


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