jem with me.


Monday, October 25, 2004

Confusion propells you to pull yourself from the ruts and incline towards life's expression of leaning towards the light.
That's what it says theoratically anyway.
Because sometimes, life is so disturbing, with its unanswered questions, the sheer complexity of issues just makes you distinctly uncomfortable, that it's near impossible to apply what is it on paper.
But sometimes, maybe we look too hard for the answers, and we forget to acknowledge that some questions are better left unseeked, for its solution will gradually reveal itself. We are expected to live those questions, for it is through its experience that the truth will be given.


So the key is patience.

Like right now, I dont even know where I am going in life. Sure, I'm taking law but somehow I dont see law as a career.
I like law, but I dont like studying it.
I want a degree, but I dont want to work for it.
I dont want to go to school but I dont want to work.


I know.
But I am entitled to sulk every once in a while right?

To someone: Have a bit of self respect for yourself and stop tagging. Because I really cant be bothered, and I dont think Raine is either. It's juvenile.


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