jem with me.


Sunday, October 10, 2004

basketball... not necessarily the best sport, but definitely the best team.

Just returned home from having dinner at Marina with some of the B-boomers plus our water girls. And what a surprise! It was actually a birthday celebration for me. I was so touched because it was so unexpected! Wow!

Went down to East Coast after that, got some drinks.. shiyi rolled down the hill!! Ok not hill but just a little way down from the grass patch to the sand. And we were all like ' Haha! shiyi..erm..hahah! are you..hhaha! ok? hahahha '

Poor shiyi. Hope you ankle is fine!


oops. so evil

Anyway to my beloved team and water girls, thank you so much! It's ice skating next round!

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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