jem with me.


Thursday, September 30, 2004

Look at everybody around you. Everyone plays a part, some more involved than others. They say life is about priortising, everything weighed on a balancing scale. Most of the time, the power to control those scales belong to you.

So you are part of the cast on this big stage. You rally around people, people rally around you. But you only have that much energy to invest, so it's only inevitable that your stocks on certain special people are higher. But due to circumstances, sometimes you have to do a trade, so that at certain times a certain someone gets a higher investment.

But then, you screw up. Because of own selfish desires, the relationship between the two of you sour. Because you didnt do what you were supposed to do, it became bitter. Because you let negative feelings ruin you, it becomes bile.

Maybe the other party may not be that innocent. Maybe the other party made mistakes before. But it is definitely outweighed by your mistakes.

So if you keep making the same mistakes repeatedly, there should be something wrong isnt there? And if you cant give to the other, there is something wrong too isnt there?

Yes, there's something wrong.

But the wrong lies within you.

And instead of making that wrong right, you made that wrong a gross reversible error.

Notice that I said reversible. Because if you are genuinely apologetic, amends can be made.

But due to your continual stubbornness of swallowing feelings, that gross error leads to the fall of the relationship.

But for some insane reason, that mistake remains reversible.


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