jem with me.


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Is there ever an existence of a right reason for an affair which makes the adulteror's actions excusable?

Affair. Adulteror. Such dreaded words, and such ugly ones too. After all, it is the nightmare of every relationship. An affair is socially incorrect, but maybe we judge too fast. There is a circle of right reasons that can negate the ugliness behind it. For example, if the woman was forced into marriage with a wife beater, I fully encourage her to go seek happiness.

I was reading this novel 'Big Cherry holler' by Adriana Trigiani, an international bestseller which began promisingly but left me disappointed at its conclusion because its main character, Ave, told this man to choose his girlfriend over his wife because one should always seek to make his heart happy. Which is true. But she forgot about the presence about the woman who has looked after his kids for many years -- not to forget looking after him. Therefore, choosing selfish desires over responsibility and shattering someone else at the end of the day.. there just seems to be something wrong about it. Yet he should choose happiness.

Or shouldnt he?

I feel that ultimately, he should choose happiness but he has to exercise certain obligations over his wife first, I dont know how, but he shouldnt just leave abruptly just because one day he makes that sudden decision by that spurt of sudden courage.

Maybe sometimes other peoples' happiness should take priority.

I'm really confused.


Jem's Update
Acknowledgements: See that monster I am holding? it's orange by the way. Gwen uploaded it for me! Thanks gwennie poo!
And to raine, who spent a very long time teaching me about background songs and putting a song up for me. *sheepish* It really was very long!! So sorry Raine! Thanks very much yeah?

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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