jem with me.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Call me: Jem Goh. Jamie Goh.
Age: 19+
Height: 163cm
Weight: 47kg
Hair Color: Dark brown. But maybe I should do something about it. Maybe streak it metallic green?
.Eye Color: Dark brown
Where im at?: Home sweet home.

Peed in ur pants?: Haha I suppose when I was a kid. My piano student's kid who's 4, peed in his pants, took out his wet pants and tried squeezing it on the piano. Is that gross or what.
Fallen off da bed?: Not that I can recall.
Fallen for a relative: Havent seen one that I fancy. haha but no way.
Failed a grade?: yes...
Broke someone's heart?: Uh.. I guess. But well I bet it's mended by now. *defensive*
Had ur heart broken?: yeah but then, I suppose I have a heart of stone. Haha
Cheated on a test?: yeah.. when it didnt really seem very serious whether cheating was damaging your integrity or whatsoever. But sometimes you cant think that far right?

Wearing: CJ T-shirt( it's really comfy) plus nike shorts
Eating: Just done with my bbq flavoured prawn crackers and kinder bueno
Feeling: Tired cause of the thought of having to go to Clementi to give piano
Reading: A married man by Catherine Alliot
Chatting with: Not applicable
Watching: not applicable
Should really: erm.. go shower cause I'm running late as it is?

Brush ur teeth?: *rolls eyes* Come on we live in Singapore not some tribe
Like anyone?: Non-romantically yes.
Have any piercings?: Erm.. ears? One at each ear.. you know the really sweet kind. *angelic smile*
Drive?: I'm taking lessons now, I know how to drive so does that count?
Love GOD?: Definitely. He helped me through a couple of tight spots.
Ever get off the damn computer?: Yes. Eyes get tired easily.

Who ARE your best? Yun and Louey and all my VIPs. MaumauJane, Dele, Gwenniepoo, Crys, Su, Joeybro!,Zen, Zi, JoanneWeeGeokBay, Kos, and of course Cher
Who is the cutest?: Louey would win hands down. Haha
Who is the prettiest?: Hmm.. Mau? gee this is tough. They all are tied.
Who is the loudest?: gwennie! haha
Who is the hottest?: Everyone is. Not to mention Cheryl too. :)
Who laughs the most?: Er... I really dont know.
Who do You trust the Most?: All the ones mentioned above.
Who is more mature?: Maumau. BUT that's not saying the rest arent!
Do u hang out with the opposite sex?: hang out no. Go out a rare few at rare times. Some ex CJ classmates and some stray ones here and there.
Do u consider yourself popular?: Er.. not anymore. My prime days are over. Hahahah
Do u trust ur friends?: yes. Why would I call them my friends otherwise??
Are you a good friend?: I hope so.!

Talked to on da phone: My driving instructor. He asked me to buy mooncake. Ha
Yelled at: Er.. Cher I guess few days back.
Tripped: I'm not so evil!
Turned down: My driving instructor? I told him I will think about it. How ambiguous. Haha

What do you want to be when you grow up?: I have absolutely no idea at all.I'm drifting....driftin...drifting.....
What was the worst day of ur life?: I dont wanna think about it.I dont know really.
What has been the best day of ur life?: I dont know either. Ok this sounds pathetic. But I have had many best days or worst days. There just isnt any particular day.
What comes first in ur life?: Let's see.. Mummy,gf, all my close friends.. Just a matter of balance.
What do u usually think of before u go to be bed?: Hmm my day, prayers..

Like to give hugs?: Not really. I prefer to hold than to hug but holding is rather intimate.
Like to walk in the rain: yes.. unless it's a thunderstorm.
Prefer black or blue pens?: No preference.
Dress up for halloween?: Nah... even if singapore did practise the custom, I dont know if I would.
Have a job?: Not exactly. Just giving piano lessons.
smoke?: No.
Like to travel?: Definitely. Was telling my parents last night, I have several dream destinations. Disneyland.. Africa.. Hot air balloon.. Water rafting.. Sky diving..
Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: Tummy. It's supposed to mean insecurity. Hmm. No wait.. not tummy it's STOMACH!!
Want to marry? Shrug. Not at the moment.
Have stuffed animalz?: yes my beloved Paunchy!

Abortion: It happens. Everyone has their personal reason.
.Bill Clinton: Oh him. Haha
Summer: Archie comics. Dont ask me why I dont know
Tattoos: Uh.. I have 2? And Jaws. My tattoo artist. Supposed to see him sometime soon to do a touch up.
Piercing: Ouch
Drinking: Coke. mighty thirsty.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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