jem with me.


Sunday, August 01, 2004

Behind those eyes, everyone has a story to tell. ..

Questions embedded and burn deep in our hearts are the ones we ponder over the most, but ultimately ignored, until a time of solitude nudges us into relieving those steps of musing that we plodded on not so long ago. Strangely, --or perhaps not-- , those times do not fall within our periods of comfort zone but in fact it is emotional pain that pushes us, forces us to interrogate our sources and demanding explanations for certain courses of actions.

At times, in those melancholic train of thoughts, intentionally and subconsciously we rarely look at the good points of our lives. How many of you have these thoughts manifested with pests -- the dark emotions such as fears, insecurity, stress, feeling useless, despair-- they override us, and end up feeling overwhelmed and sense of helplessness, and perhaps touches of self-betrayal.
In the end, self reflection results in self tormenting and break down of the soul.

But what many of us fail to realise that internally somewhere we have what I call a pest buster. And one of its best remedies is the mantra of 'It could have been worse'. Others include "I've been through this before, and I got out fine." and " It cant stay this way forever" Being a pest buster means you know these sort of emotions are inevitable, but you dont allow them to become your master.

"You are the God-being that is here to create life, to breathe soul into your body, to walk this world as your own source of power, love, worth and life."

Remember, your inner self is your only true compass. You have the decision to choose which emotional direction to take, exercise your self love and be at peace with yourself.

God Bless you all.


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